Ralph Kline, President
Andy Whaley, Vice President Joni Hacker Christi Bartram Eileen Wilds Cassie Meyers |
Fr. Wayne Morris, Pastoral Administrator
Chris Monte, Principal Anna Easterling, Development Director Jennifer Browning, Development Director |
2017/18 School Year Operations Survey Summary Results are available below as compiled by the Ironton Catholic Schools Advisory Board. The Survey Summary letter is also available below.
If you have questions or comments please contact the St. Joseph High School office at 740.532.0485 or contact any School Advisory Board Member. Thank you!
If you have questions or comments please contact the St. Joseph High School office at 740.532.0485 or contact any School Advisory Board Member. Thank you!
Ironton Catholic Schools
2018 Operations Survey
The Ironton Catholic Schools Board and School Administration value your input as parents, teachers, and employees of our Ironton Catholic Schools. It is the goal of the School Board to undertake and annual survey in an effort to: 1) gauge how our Catholic Schools are progressing and can best invest in meeting our priority needs, and 2) get feedback on new programs and initiatives.
Please complete this survey to let us know what you are thinking. You can return by either turning in to one of the school offices, mail to the school at (912 S. 6th Street), or drop into your Church weekly collection basket.
Thank you for your continued help and support for our Catholic Schools.
2018 Operations Survey
The Ironton Catholic Schools Board and School Administration value your input as parents, teachers, and employees of our Ironton Catholic Schools. It is the goal of the School Board to undertake and annual survey in an effort to: 1) gauge how our Catholic Schools are progressing and can best invest in meeting our priority needs, and 2) get feedback on new programs and initiatives.
Please complete this survey to let us know what you are thinking. You can return by either turning in to one of the school offices, mail to the school at (912 S. 6th Street), or drop into your Church weekly collection basket.
Thank you for your continued help and support for our Catholic Schools.
2018 Survey Questions with Results
Results/comments are in purple.
1. Your relationship to the Ironton Catholic Schools (Check all that apply)
- Parent of Student (39)
- Teacher (4)
- Employee or Volunteer (4)
2. With which school do you have children or association with
- St. Joseph School (15)
- St. Lawrence Elementary (23)
- Both (4)
3. The Schools Textbook/ Curriculum Committee is investigating in implementing new studies utilizing electronic notebooks and smart boards. Please check the following you most agree with for such an initiative:
1 _______ 1. Don’t support and should continue to use traditional textbooks and blackboards
7 _______ 2. Neutral either is fine.
3 _______ 3. Support, but for just certain subject areas
9 _______ 4. Support, but we need to do a test run and study further
22 _______ 5. Fully support and should begin to implement next school year.
- So long as proper time is available to implement in a successful manner. While this is greatly needed you can not do this in an unrealistic time frame. Certainly – the sooner the better with appropriate planning.
- Not for grades K-4
4. Should the Schools go to Individual Electronic Devices and Smart Boards, each student would need a notebook. Which of the following would you find most agreeable?
9 ________ 1. Individual electronic notebooks would be assigned to students at school, and would be kept for use only at the school.
2 ________ 2. Each student would be required to purchase and maintain their own electronic notebook from school, and would be able to take that device home daily.
3 _______ 3. Each student would be assigned an electronic notebook and would be able to take home daily, but parents would be required to pay for an annual replacement insurance fee.
26 _______ 4. Parents would have an option to EITHER purchase an electronic notepad from the school OR be assigned one and pay an annual insurance fee.
5. The Schools are considering establishing an After School Program for its students. Please check the following you most agree with for such an initiative:
19 _______ 1. Would not see using such a program.
8 _______ 2. Would see utilizing such a program occasionally in the future
3 _______ 3. Would be interested depending on the cost of the program
4 _______ 4. Would likely utilize such a program in the future
9 _______ 5. Would definitely use such a program if affordable beginning next school year.
6. What do you think the average cost is for afterschool that would be considered as affordable to you?
(3) N/A
$ ________ Weekly
Per week results: (3) $20 / (1) $25 / (2) $50 / (2) $50-$60 / (1) $50-75 / (1) $100
$ ________ per each day used
Per day results: (2) $5 / (7) $10 / (3) $10-$15 / (1) $20
7. What activities in addition to school supervision of kids after school would you like to see incorporated into an afterschool program (i.e. Tutoring, early drop off, exercise, learning instruments, etc.)
8. Prioritization of Operational Needs; : (Operation needs are those things that are needed in day to day operations like books, teachers aids, teachers, curriculum, communications, building maintenance, janitorial, etc., etc.)
Given the School(s) that you associated with above, list up to the top five MOST CRICTICAL operational needs that you feel exist:
1. - SL gym floor / Update building
- White boards / -Technology; books, teachers’ aides, e-books
- Good teachers-Teachers/Guidance Counselor-Additional special-ed staff @ SJ
- Instructional materials / Curriculum – especially in math and science
- Organization of facility-ridding and continual cleaning
- Communications – the emails are good, but no teacher/parent
- Healthier lunch options
- School security
- Boys bathroom maintenance
2. - New roof at SL School
- Heating & A/C
- Additional copier
- Building maintenance (2) / -Janitorial – they need a clean environment
- SL gym floor
-Supplies (books/computers/labs, etc)
- PR - billboards, ads
- Organizational communication
- Long term plan to bring our educational effectiveness to the front of the line when compared to all surrounding schools
- Teacher aids
- School lunch – this needs to be better
- School-wide assembly & electronic communication with parents and teachers
- Electronic payments for field trips, lunch, etc
3. - Books
- Specifically computer lab & kitchen-Building Maintenance
- Long term plan for the financial side of the schools
- Curriculum offering foreign language in lower grades
- Teacher pay increase
- Less candy in classrooms as rewards
- Notebooks and smartboards
4. - Active, consistent implementation of ways to bolster teacher morale (monthly potluck, secret pals, lunch provided, etc)
- Safeguard staff from unreasonable parental requests/demands
- Curriculum with challenges, support talented students with new challenges so they don't get bored
- More encouragement for good grades and academic achievement like honor roll
5. - Consequences that “sting” for infractions by students
– dress code daily check
- Art/music/phys ed equipment
- Payments and form submissions need to be in electronic format, like lunch money
- Options for good students to be challenged
- Possibility for fluid classrooms to allow students who move faster to move on to next grade level
- Healthy meals & physical activity
9. Given the School(s) that you associated with above, list up to the top five STRENGTHS in the Catholic Schools operations:
1. - Small classes / Student/teacher ratio / One-on-one relationships we have with our teachers, staff / Teachers
- Engrade / Communication w/staff through Engrade
- Intimate awareness of my children’s educational/emotional needs
-Promote active involvement in community service
-Controlled environment
-Religious education -Communication from the school has improved
-Music class and drama performances
2 - Ms. Sally & Mr. Monte
-Teachers one-on-one/Small class size / small and personable, teachers and administrators are very approachable
-Willingness to go above and beyond by classroom teachers and staff / Most teachers are very kind and don’t care to discuss concerns
- Many dedicated teachers / Most teachers put kids first
- When problems arise with my child I love how the staff handles it
- Discipline (uniforms etc.)
- Relationship with this school
- Crissi (Christi) Bare, Clara Jenkins, Cara Clark, Mr. Monte, etc.
3 - Involvement in activities
- Lack of violence, etc
- Being able to be close nit with our small community, parents and how we all come together
- Opportunity for involvement in extracurricular activities
- Religion class
- Supportive parents / sense of family
- Small class size
- Flexibility
- Counselor an asset to school!
4 - Christ is the premier focus
- I think given all the above = a GREAT education for my child. I went to public and my experience with our private schools is so much better
- Closeness of students
- Teacher dedication
- Advancement in educational techniques
- Students and parents know each other
- Project MORE is very appreciated
- Support from community
- Preschool program
- Care provided to students
- Outdoor activity options
5 -Academic pushing
-The new building, wish it could have been the new school, but I think it’s a good thing
-Flexibility of class scheduling/accommodations
- AP classes
- Extracurricular activities
- Integrated curriculum (each grade working to prepare for the next grade)
- Field trips/projects they have done
- Availability of principal at door almost every morning
- School pride
- Reading Assistance
- Excellent teachers
Added #6. - Safety - Mrs. Whaley's Christmas & Spring musicals
10. Provide any additional comments that you would like to make regarding school operations:
- Wish there was a cafeteria, but I understand it cost for this. I’m very thankful for the school system and staff.
-The tuition agreement is only punishing us that pay on time. Not everyone can make regular payments at Christmas. As long as it’s paid in full, who cares?
-Stricter adherence to education standards with continuing monitoring.
-I like the fact that I feel safe sending my kids to Catholic school. It’s like family.
- It would be nice to have Kindergarten graduation/ceremony of some kind.
-Better communication process between school and parents
-Incorporating more technology would be great for the school. Students really need to be fluent with current programs and materials.
- Safety is an issue that concerns me. Doors being locked in classrooms, etc. On a positive note, students know not to open doors for anyone.
-More grass on the playground (SL) not gravel
- It seems like some parents always volunteer and do more than their share / Make it mandatory that each parent has to work so many hours per child, but things like coaching teams should count as well. If these hours are not met the tuition for that child increases
-Offer possibility to "buy" high school workers to cover Charity Fair shifts for like $60/hour - 2/3 for the school and 1/3 for the teenager
- I am very pleased with my child's education! Thank you so much!
- Restore St. Lawrence gym floor
- Utilize stage and kitchen area at St. Lawrence more
- Need more sports activities
- Parent of Student (39)
- Teacher (4)
- Employee or Volunteer (4)
2. With which school do you have children or association with
- St. Joseph School (15)
- St. Lawrence Elementary (23)
- Both (4)
3. The Schools Textbook/ Curriculum Committee is investigating in implementing new studies utilizing electronic notebooks and smart boards. Please check the following you most agree with for such an initiative:
1 _______ 1. Don’t support and should continue to use traditional textbooks and blackboards
7 _______ 2. Neutral either is fine.
3 _______ 3. Support, but for just certain subject areas
9 _______ 4. Support, but we need to do a test run and study further
22 _______ 5. Fully support and should begin to implement next school year.
- So long as proper time is available to implement in a successful manner. While this is greatly needed you can not do this in an unrealistic time frame. Certainly – the sooner the better with appropriate planning.
- Not for grades K-4
4. Should the Schools go to Individual Electronic Devices and Smart Boards, each student would need a notebook. Which of the following would you find most agreeable?
9 ________ 1. Individual electronic notebooks would be assigned to students at school, and would be kept for use only at the school.
2 ________ 2. Each student would be required to purchase and maintain their own electronic notebook from school, and would be able to take that device home daily.
3 _______ 3. Each student would be assigned an electronic notebook and would be able to take home daily, but parents would be required to pay for an annual replacement insurance fee.
26 _______ 4. Parents would have an option to EITHER purchase an electronic notepad from the school OR be assigned one and pay an annual insurance fee.
5. The Schools are considering establishing an After School Program for its students. Please check the following you most agree with for such an initiative:
19 _______ 1. Would not see using such a program.
8 _______ 2. Would see utilizing such a program occasionally in the future
3 _______ 3. Would be interested depending on the cost of the program
4 _______ 4. Would likely utilize such a program in the future
9 _______ 5. Would definitely use such a program if affordable beginning next school year.
6. What do you think the average cost is for afterschool that would be considered as affordable to you?
(3) N/A
$ ________ Weekly
Per week results: (3) $20 / (1) $25 / (2) $50 / (2) $50-$60 / (1) $50-75 / (1) $100
$ ________ per each day used
Per day results: (2) $5 / (7) $10 / (3) $10-$15 / (1) $20
7. What activities in addition to school supervision of kids after school would you like to see incorporated into an afterschool program (i.e. Tutoring, early drop off, exercise, learning instruments, etc.)
- Tutoring (2); Music; ACT prep (like Torch Prep Boot Camp)
- Keyboarding/typing; music education; exercise; Additional instruction time for math and science subjects; Additional learning opportunities; Homework completed (2)
- Band; Learning instruction; learning instruments; Exercise, something fun like dance or yoga, Music
- Dance; early drop-off; ACT preparation opportunities, Exercise; healthy snack
- Early drop-off on 2-hr delays
8. Prioritization of Operational Needs; : (Operation needs are those things that are needed in day to day operations like books, teachers aids, teachers, curriculum, communications, building maintenance, janitorial, etc., etc.)
Given the School(s) that you associated with above, list up to the top five MOST CRICTICAL operational needs that you feel exist:
1. - SL gym floor / Update building
- White boards / -Technology; books, teachers’ aides, e-books
- Good teachers-Teachers/Guidance Counselor-Additional special-ed staff @ SJ
- Instructional materials / Curriculum – especially in math and science
- Organization of facility-ridding and continual cleaning
- Communications – the emails are good, but no teacher/parent
- Healthier lunch options
- School security
- Boys bathroom maintenance
2. - New roof at SL School
- Heating & A/C
- Additional copier
- Building maintenance (2) / -Janitorial – they need a clean environment
- SL gym floor
-Supplies (books/computers/labs, etc)
- PR - billboards, ads
- Organizational communication
- Long term plan to bring our educational effectiveness to the front of the line when compared to all surrounding schools
- Teacher aids
- School lunch – this needs to be better
- School-wide assembly & electronic communication with parents and teachers
- Electronic payments for field trips, lunch, etc
3. - Books
- Specifically computer lab & kitchen-Building Maintenance
- Long term plan for the financial side of the schools
- Curriculum offering foreign language in lower grades
- Teacher pay increase
- Less candy in classrooms as rewards
- Notebooks and smartboards
4. - Active, consistent implementation of ways to bolster teacher morale (monthly potluck, secret pals, lunch provided, etc)
- Safeguard staff from unreasonable parental requests/demands
- Curriculum with challenges, support talented students with new challenges so they don't get bored
- More encouragement for good grades and academic achievement like honor roll
5. - Consequences that “sting” for infractions by students
– dress code daily check
- Art/music/phys ed equipment
- Payments and form submissions need to be in electronic format, like lunch money
- Options for good students to be challenged
- Possibility for fluid classrooms to allow students who move faster to move on to next grade level
- Healthy meals & physical activity
9. Given the School(s) that you associated with above, list up to the top five STRENGTHS in the Catholic Schools operations:
1. - Small classes / Student/teacher ratio / One-on-one relationships we have with our teachers, staff / Teachers
- Engrade / Communication w/staff through Engrade
- Intimate awareness of my children’s educational/emotional needs
-Promote active involvement in community service
-Controlled environment
-Religious education -Communication from the school has improved
-Music class and drama performances
2 - Ms. Sally & Mr. Monte
-Teachers one-on-one/Small class size / small and personable, teachers and administrators are very approachable
-Willingness to go above and beyond by classroom teachers and staff / Most teachers are very kind and don’t care to discuss concerns
- Many dedicated teachers / Most teachers put kids first
- When problems arise with my child I love how the staff handles it
- Discipline (uniforms etc.)
- Relationship with this school
- Crissi (Christi) Bare, Clara Jenkins, Cara Clark, Mr. Monte, etc.
3 - Involvement in activities
- Lack of violence, etc
- Being able to be close nit with our small community, parents and how we all come together
- Opportunity for involvement in extracurricular activities
- Religion class
- Supportive parents / sense of family
- Small class size
- Flexibility
- Counselor an asset to school!
4 - Christ is the premier focus
- I think given all the above = a GREAT education for my child. I went to public and my experience with our private schools is so much better
- Closeness of students
- Teacher dedication
- Advancement in educational techniques
- Students and parents know each other
- Project MORE is very appreciated
- Support from community
- Preschool program
- Care provided to students
- Outdoor activity options
5 -Academic pushing
-The new building, wish it could have been the new school, but I think it’s a good thing
-Flexibility of class scheduling/accommodations
- AP classes
- Extracurricular activities
- Integrated curriculum (each grade working to prepare for the next grade)
- Field trips/projects they have done
- Availability of principal at door almost every morning
- School pride
- Reading Assistance
- Excellent teachers
Added #6. - Safety - Mrs. Whaley's Christmas & Spring musicals
10. Provide any additional comments that you would like to make regarding school operations:
- Wish there was a cafeteria, but I understand it cost for this. I’m very thankful for the school system and staff.
-The tuition agreement is only punishing us that pay on time. Not everyone can make regular payments at Christmas. As long as it’s paid in full, who cares?
-Stricter adherence to education standards with continuing monitoring.
-I like the fact that I feel safe sending my kids to Catholic school. It’s like family.
- It would be nice to have Kindergarten graduation/ceremony of some kind.
-Better communication process between school and parents
-Incorporating more technology would be great for the school. Students really need to be fluent with current programs and materials.
- Safety is an issue that concerns me. Doors being locked in classrooms, etc. On a positive note, students know not to open doors for anyone.
-More grass on the playground (SL) not gravel
- It seems like some parents always volunteer and do more than their share / Make it mandatory that each parent has to work so many hours per child, but things like coaching teams should count as well. If these hours are not met the tuition for that child increases
-Offer possibility to "buy" high school workers to cover Charity Fair shifts for like $60/hour - 2/3 for the school and 1/3 for the teenager
- I am very pleased with my child's education! Thank you so much!
- Restore St. Lawrence gym floor
- Utilize stage and kitchen area at St. Lawrence more
- Need more sports activities
2016/17 School Year Operations Survey Summary Results are available below as compiled by the Ironton Catholic Schools Advisory Board. The Survey Summary letter is available below. Please scroll down to view "Most Critical Needs" and "Strengths" spreadsheets, available in both a downloadable Excel file and an image file.
If you have questions or comments please contact the St. Joseph High School office at 740.532.0485 or contact any School Advisory Board Member. Thank you!
If you have questions or comments please contact the St. Joseph High School office at 740.532.0485 or contact any School Advisory Board Member. Thank you!
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