IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY FUND Deadline to Apply is April 30th, 2021
Please read a letter regarding the Immaculate Heart of Mary Fund for tuition assistance from Deacon Paul Ward, Director of Christian Formation and Schools. Please play close attention to instructions and deadlines for submission of applications . There is no paper application form, all applications must be submitted electronically. For any assistance, please refer to the phone numbers in Deacon Ward's letter. Thank you for choosing Catholic education! Ironton Catholic Schools 740-532-0485 Ironton, Ohio 45638 |
George and Mary Kremer Foundation provides scholarship funding for needy children in elementary Catholic schools, grades one through eight, throughout the United States. Interested individuals, who meet the qualifications of the foundation, may obtain information and an application for scholarship funding from the school office.
OTHER TUITION ASSISTANCE Depending on the availability of funds, a tuition assistance program may be available to eligible families. A copy of the guidelines and application form may be obtained from the administrator's office at St. Joseph High School.